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Adventist Mission

Binderya's Joy

“I’m so glad that my friend invited me to church, because now my whole family has found joy in Jesus,” says Binderya.

Binderya [been-DEHR-yah] sat in the church pew singing songs as she waited for her mother to finish mopping the floor. Binderya’s mother cleans the church. She says it’s her way of worshiping God. Binderya often helps her mother clean when she doesn’t have classes. “I like helping Mother clean the church,” Binderya says. “It’s my way to thank God for being the king of my life.”

Binderya’s New Friend

When Binderya’s family moved to Ulaanbaatar [ooh-lahn-BAH-tr], the capital city of Mongolia, she met a girl named Anojin [AH-noh-jihn]. The two girls became friends, and Anojin invited Binderya to the Adventist Church.

“I’d never been to a Christian church before,” Binderya says. “But I liked the program. I especially liked learning to sing songs about Jesus. I tried hard to learn them so I could sing them for my mother when I went home. I didn’t understand who God was at that time, but the songs made me happy, and I wanted to sing all the time.”

Father’s Surprise

Binderya’s father was often away at work for days at a time. When he came home one day, Binderya told him that she was attending church with her friend. He was glad and even asked Binderya if he could go to the church with her. Binderya was surprised and so happy!

“I had invited my mother to go to church, but she has hearing problems and was shy about going. She thought people wouldn’t treat her nicely because she couldn’t hear well. But she joined Father and me when we had family prayers together every night.”

Binderya continued inviting her mother to attend church, but her mother was too shy to go. People from the church came to visit in Binderya’s home. They invited Binderya’s mother to church too, but she still wasn’t sure about it.

Father’s Illness

Then one day Binderya’s father became very sick. The doctor wasn’t sure he would survive. Binderya’s mother realized that she didn’t know how to pray for her husband. She began attending church and discovered that the church members really were warm and loving. They prayed with her for Binderya’s father. She gave her heart to God.

After a while, Binderya’s father did get well, and now the entire family worships God together.

Sharing God’s Love With Others

“I’m so glad that my friend invited me to church, because now my whole family has found joy in Jesus,” says Binderya. “Father invites people to church—people he meets in the bus, in the stores, wherever he is. I invite my friends to come to church too, but so far they haven’t come. Some say that Christianity is a foreign religion. I keep inviting them and telling them about God. I know that one day someone will accept.”

Our mission offerings this quarter will go to help the Adventist school in Mongolia to have more classrooms and a library. Many children and their parents learn about God through this school. Please remember to bring your Thirteenth Sabbath Mission Offering. Thank you.