In a village in Myanmar called Kone Thar, Global Mission pioneers Salai and his wife, Kukupaw, are sparking hope among a tribal group called the Kayan, also known locally as “the Long Necks.”
Traditional ways of sharing the gospel are rarely effective in these communities. Perhaps that’s why Christ focused on people and their needs first. This is the example Salai follows. He visits each family in their home, gets to know them, and eventually becomes friends with them.
Kukupaw has a nursing background. Together, she and Salai provide basic education for the children of this village and look after the sick. In an area such as this, education is one of the best ways to introduce Christ’s principles and teachings.
However, it’s not always easy to convince the Kayan parents to send their children to school because they need their children to help work the fields. Only after Salai and Kukupaw spend time earning the parents’ trust and explaining the benefits of education for their children’s future do the parents allow their children to attend school. The couple knew they would need to nurture their relationships with these parents.
“As we render the services to the people,” Salai says, “we build their confidence and their trust in us in what we are doing.”
This involves listening to the community’s concerns and being aware of their feelings. Since enrollment costs can be challenging for the parents to pay, the Global Mission pioneer couple ensures that education is available to every family. The parents appreciate this and have noticed that their children return home with much better attitudes.
Over time, a number of parents have wanted to know more about the power that lies behind this amazing, life-changing school. One such parent was Muo.
“The Adventist school taught my children many good things, like the truth of Scripture and the love of God,” Muo shares. “As I learned from my children, I became convinced that I should become an Adventist like them, and now I am.”
Seemingly small but vitally important beginnings like this encourage Salai and Kukupaw and other Global Mission pioneers like them to continue their work.
“The only reason I’m here is to share the love of God and the truth of His Word with the Kayan people,” says Salai. “Please pray for the Holy Spirit to soften their hearts so they will be receptive. And thank you so much for supporting our work here in Kone Thar village.”
Global Mission pioneers
Global Mission supports thousands of local missionaries, called pioneers, in starting new groups of believers among people groups where there is no Adventist presence. Their ministry wouldn’t be possible without your donations and prayers. Thank you for your support!
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