Bolorgegee “Gege” Saran was sick as a small boy, and his Mongolian mother fed him heartily, hoping that the food would strengthen him.
Gege grew stronger, but he also grew fat. When he entered ninth grade, he was short and weighed 200 pounds (90 kilograms). Even though he was only 16 years old, students mistook him for the teacher.
That same year, his legs began to ache dreadfully. Gege had to use crutches to hobble to classes.
Finally, his mother took him to the doctor, who made a shocking diagnosis: Gege had an illness that required the amputation of both legs. Otherwise, the doctor said, the disease would spread to his heart and he would die.
Gege didn’t wait to hear more. He fled the doctor’s office. Later at home, he told his mother that Jesus would heal him.
“What Jesus are you talking about?” his mother asked. “What kind of nonsense is this?”
But his mother knew what Gege was talking about. Gege had been going to a Seventh-day Adventist church since he was 10 years old. She had spanked him repeatedly for going, but he had only grown more determined to go. Hoping to make him stop, she had destroyed a Bible he had received from the church. However, she didn’t know that the church had given Gege a second Bible and that he was reading it secretly.
Even though Gege’s mother didn’t believe in Jesus, she loved Gege and wanted him to live. So she pleaded with Gege to go back to the doctor. He refused. He had read many stories in the Bible about people who had been healed.
That summer, Gege and his mother moved to another city. Gege found the local Adventist church and began to work in the church’s vegetable garden. The garden was located 9 miles (15 kilometers) from Gege’s house, but he walked there every day. It hurt his legs to walk such a far distance, but the pastor told him that exercise is important for good health. He also liked to tend to the carrots, potatoes, and cabbage in the garden.
All summer, Gege prayed every day for God to heal his legs.
Three months passed, and Gege lost 65 pounds (30 kilograms) from all that exercise. His leg pains vanished.
“It was a miracle and an answer to prayer!” Gege said.
His mother wasn’t so sure. She saw that Gege was fit and strong, but she wanted to know what the doctor would say. Gege didn’t see a doctor until he was called up for compulsory military service. After giving him a full checkup, the doctor gave him a clean bill of health.
When Gege's mother heard the news, she said, "Jesus healed you." She now believes in Jesus.
Gege, meanwhile, grew stronger and stronger. He participated in military competitions, where he successfully ran 19 miles (30 kilometers) carrying a 65-pound (30-kilogram) sack of sand. The military commanders liked the young soldier who was polite and didn’t drink alcohol, and they asked him to represent Mongolia as a United Nations (UN) peacekeeper in Afghanistan. After that, Gege served as a UN peacekeeper in South Sudan. He also served as an honor guard, dressing in traditional Mongolian military attire and greeting presidents and prime ministers when they visited Mongolia.
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Life wasn’t always easy in the military, especially during his first year. The older soldiers made fun of him for being a Christian. Every night for one month, the solders beat him after supper for his beliefs. The beatings reminded Gege of how his mother used to spank him for going to church. He grew more determined to be faithful to Jesus.
“I read Bible stories about Joseph and others who endured terrible things for their faith,” Gege said. “Hebrews 12:6 says God disciplines those whom He loves. I knew if I was disciplined enough, it would make my faith stronger.”
After some time in the army, Gege decided that he wanted to work as a missionary even more than as a soldier.
Two years ago, he got married, and Adventist leaders asked him whether he and his new wife would like to be Global Mission pioneers in a remote corner of Mongolia. Global Mission pioneers are missionaries who work in communities where there are no Adventists.
Today, Gege, 28, oversees the only Adventist church in Bulgan, an isolated town of 12,000 people located a seven-hour drive from Mongolia’s capital. One of the first things Gege did upon arriving was start a Pathfinder club. The children love learning drills and wilderness survival skills from a real soldier! Gege loves teaching them about Jesus.
“God gave me my health,” Gege said. “I will serve Him.”