Mission Stories & News
NY13 Evangelism School
June 25, 2013
Scores of Seventh-day Adventists from around the world are learning and sharing ideas for urban outreach at a New York church that’s been turned into a giant classroom this month.
Read More'Mission to Cities' Outreach
June 25, 2013
As a New York City evangelism initiative is in full force, other plans for the Seventh-day Adventist Church to reach major metropolitan areas are in place. Some have begun, while others are waiting for the conclusion of the NY13 outreach initiative.
Read MoreCenters of Influence
June 10, 2013
Centers of influence are currently being established in cities around the world. Adventist Mission director, Gary Krause, recently answered some questions about this rapidly growing initiative.
Read MoreAdventist University Library
May 16, 2013
East-Central Africa Division opens the Judith Thomas Library at the Adventist University of Africa.
Read MoreRevelation of Hope
May 16, 2013
The drenching rains of Tropical Storm Andrea, which deposited two inches of water on the streets of New York’s Greenwich Village, failed to dampen the enthusiasm of people who attended the initial “Revelation of Hope” campaign meeting on Friday evening, June 7.
Read MoreBuilding Up Overseas Volunteers
May 15, 2013
The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s North American Division continues to send the most volunteers of any of the denomination’s 13 world divisions.
Read MoreMissionary Injured in PNG
January 24, 2013
An airplane engineer serving a mission fleet in Papua New Guinea suffered burns on 50 percent of his body Tuesday following a fire during a routine maintenance on a new plane.
Read MoreAt European Pastor’s Conference, a call for relevant community ministry
September 5, 2012
Seventh-day Adventist pastors in Europe say a renewed emphasis on relevant, relational outreach will connect with communities there.
Read MoreUrban Ministries Summit
September 5, 2012
Adventist leadership pledged to better connect with the more than 36 million people living in three of Central America's largest cities: Mexico City, Mexico; Bogota, Colombia; and Caracas, Venezuela.
Read MoreAdventist Radio Station Coming to South Sudan
August 14, 2012
The Seventh-day Adventist Church plans to launch a radio ministry from a beige container recently installed on the compound of its local field office.
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