Mission Stories & News
Angels on the Mountain
August 3, 2015
I felt so humbled that God used me to help my friends. I had thought that I was too young for God to use me. But now I know that you don’t have to be “old enough” for God to use you—you just have to be willing.
Read MoreA Little Heaven on Earth
August 1, 2015
Saumya is so happy that the Lord led her to Lakpahana—it has become like a little heaven on earth for her.
Read MoreA Great Plan From God
August 1, 2015
Looking back, I realize that behind the sad situation of having to take our son to the hospital, God had a great plan.
Read MoreTrouble at Sea
July 27, 2015
How would you like to be in a small, ancient seaplane headed out toward the broad Atlantic Ocean with both your compass and radio out of commission?
Read MoreShining Lights
July 25, 2015
Abilasha’s father liked alcoholic drinks, which made life at home and school very difficult. Because of this, Abilasha begged her mother to let her go to school somewhere else.
Read MoreThe Highest Score
July 25, 2015
One day I decided to ask Mariano why he had changed and was now the smartest student in the class. He told me that it was because God helped him and that he studied the Bible.
Read MoreOdie
July 20, 2015
Odie’s little legs were turning beneath him, chasing the bus as tears stained his face. I understood in that moment that I would never be the same. Odie had changed my life.
Read MoreGod Always Helps Me
July 18, 2015
Sometimes my teachers hit me and punish me for not coming to school on Saturdays. When they ask me why I don’t come to class every Saturday, I explain but then they always punish me.
Read MoreMissionaries and Magicians
July 18, 2015
Another person became so angry that he hit me hard and my hands became very swollen. He said that I should stop studying the Bible—but I still continue to study.
Read MoreThe Best Students
July 11, 2015
One year when we came back to school, Mariano had changed—something had happened to him! He now looked like a person with a kind heart.
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