Mission Stories & News
March 2, 2017
Lynette Goude has a big heart. Big enough to embrace every child who lives in Togiak, Alaska, where she and her husband, John, serve as lay pastors.
Read MoreHelp Send Global Mission Pioneers!
March 2, 2017
Using Christ’s method of ministry, pioneers strive to meet people’s needs and bid them to follow Jesus.
Read MoreGod Is First
March 2, 2017
Naum was excited to go to first grade. But he knew that he would be missing one day of school every week.
Read MoreLights in the Amazon
March 2, 2017
I used to think that being a missionary was only for those who have a lot of Bible knowledge or who are doctors and nurses, but I was wrong.
Read MoreGlobal Neighborhood
March 2, 2017
The beloved apricot, one of the golden jewels of agriculture since ancient times, remains a treasured fruit in our modern era.
Read MoreWhere Do My Mission Offerings Go?
March 1, 2017
Have you ever felt as if you’re putting your money into a “black hole” when you give your weekly mission offerings?
Read MoreMy Joy
March 1, 2017
At New Life Radio, Tan began hosting a live program every morning, and her voice could be heard across the sprawling, sweltering metro area of more than 14 million people.
Read MoreCamp Polaris Revisited
March 1, 2017
Attending summer camp at Camp Polaris is a tradition for many families in southwest Alaska. For generations, children have eagerly boarded planes and boats to spend a week in this remote, pristine setting.
Read MorePrayers in the Park
March 1, 2017
If someone tells the authorities that you’ve been preaching, talking about Jesus, or giving someone Christian material, you can be imprisoned, deported, tortured, or killed.
Read MoreRunaway Taxi
March 1, 2017
My phone! I thought with a wave of panic as I patted my flat pocket. It’s still in the taxi! I raced toward the vehicle, but it slipped out of reach as the driver pulled away from the curb.
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