Mission Stories & News
Mr. Fire
August 20, 2023
Bandara’s actions eventually got the whole community’s attention, but not for all good reasons. His regular visits alarmed some young men who believed that Bandara’s actions might harm the community.
Read MoreBeaten for His Faith
August 13, 2023
Bandara’s actions eventually got the whole community’s attention, but not for all good reasons. His regular visits alarmed some young men who believed that Bandara’s actions might harm the community.
Read MoreDrumbeats
August 6, 2023
We figured her infection had turned into an aggressive cancer, which donovanosis can occasionally do. I administered an aggressive dose of chemotherapy, but she was completely unresponsive, still not urinating, and requiring injections just to keep her heart beating.
Read MoreThe Man with the Golden Tooth
July 30, 2023
It was in such cars that people were often interrogated and shot without a court investigation if it was decided that they were dangerous for the state.
Read MoreWhen God Sent a Coconut
July 23, 2023
This was too much. Grabbing onto a branch, I prayed like I have never prayed before. “God, we’re in a helpless situation. Please don’t let Dad die. Please get us off this mountain in time!”
Read MoreThe 10-Kilometer Church Plant
July 16, 2023
The group’s initial attempt to share Jesus didn’t go well. “We knocked on people’s doors and asked whether they wanted to study the Bible with us,” Carolina says. “It was a bad idea!
Read MoreThe Little Unusual Church
July 9, 2023
Pastor J. J. Ndlozi has an unusual history at the Word of Truth Church in Pretoria, South Africa. In fact, it seems that just about everything at this church is a little unusual!
Read MoreThree Cows and a Bull for the Lord
July 2, 2023
This gesture not only encouraged the visiting church elders who collected the animals but also caught the attention of neighboring church members. Several others have pledged to contribute more to the mission offerings because of Mr. and Mrs. Mpofu’s example.
Read MoreGreased Wheels and a Mission River
June 25, 2023
Global Mission pioneers sacrifice enough without this type of neglect. But at no stage did he complain to me about his situation.
Read MoreDisciple-making
May 21, 2023
It’s important to remember that the “parable does not speak of failure but of success and joy in the recovery. Here is the divine guarantee that not even one of the straying sheep of God’s fold is overlooked, not one is left unsuccored."
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