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Adventist Mission

Eduarda, 15

Missionary to 14 Girls

To Sabbath School teachers: This story is for Sabbath, September 10.

By Andrew McChesney


leven-year-old Eduarda fell in love with Jesus while listening to Bible stories in her Primary class in Brazil. She wanted to serve Jesus, but how?

Then her mother started a small Bible study group in their home. Once a week, several mothers who were not Seventh-day Adventists would come to the house to read the Bible and pray together. Sometimes, the mothers brought their daughters, who were 6 to 8 years old.

Eduarda thought it would be nice if she could create a special group just for the girls.

“Mother,” she said, “could I start a small group just for the girls who come with their mothers?”

Mother thought it was a marvelous idea.

Eduarda prepared a Bible story to share with the other girls. She chose several songs that they could sing together. And she put together a fun Bible quiz that they could play.

Three girls came to Eduarda’s first meeting. Then more girls came. Soon 14 girls were participating in the small group every week. They came from different parts of the city, and their parents came from different religions. They enjoyed praying, singing, listening to Bible stories, and taking Bible quizzes.

After a while, Eduarda thought it would be nice if the girls could meet more than once a week. She invited them to meet at a nursing home to visit and pray with the old people there. Then they went to a hospital to visit and pray with the sick people there.

When COVID-19 came, and the girls could no longer meet together in person. So, they met online for many months. Even though they were online, the girls still prayed, sang, listened to Bible stories, and took Bible quizzes.

Today, the girls can meet in person once again, and they can even go to church together. Eduarda has seen the hearts of the girls change. Some of the girls go with her to church on Sabbath, and one of them has even opened a YouTube channel where she tells others about Jesus. Several other girls are planning to open small groups like Eduarda’s. They want to share their love for Jesus just like Eduarda shared it with them.

Eduarda’s dream is that all the girls will give their hearts to Jesus. She hopes that they will tell their parents and everyone else they know about Jesus and His love.

Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help open four new churches in Eduarda’s country of Brazil so that more children can hear about the love of Jesus. Thank you for planning a generous offering on September 24.