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Adventist Mission

Diego, 11

A Real Missionary

To Sabbath School teachers: This story is for Sabbath, August 13.

By Andrew McChesney


iego is 11 years old and lives with his parents in the city of Arequipa in Peru. This story is about how he became a real missionary.

When Diego was 9, he attended a Vacation Bible School where learned that it is important to live healthily. At the end of the Vacation Bible School, he felt sad because he thought everything was over. But it wasn’t. The Vacation Bible School teacher invited the children to Adventurers club at the church. So, Diego started attending the Adventurers club every Sabbath. Sometimes he couldn’t go because he had to go to school on Sabbath, but he attended every Sabbath that he could.

When Diego learned that Jesus had died on the cross for him, he understood that he was valuable to God. He felt God asking for his heart, and he decided to get baptized. His parents agreed that he could get baptized, and before long they got baptized, too! Then Diego didn’t miss any church activities. He especially loved Adventurer campouts.

One day, a church teacher said Diego and the other children needed to do more before Jesus returns. They should tell their friends that Jesus is coming soon so they also would be ready. Teacher suggested that Diego and the other children each pray for five friends who didn’t know Jesus. “Choose five friends and pray for them every day for a week,” Teacher said, “Then invite them to come to church.”

Diego was scared that his friends would be mean to him if he invited them to church. What if they called him names or refused to play with him? But then he remembered that Jesus would always be with him. He prayed for five friends every day for a week. Then he called each of them and invited them to church. Three friends agreed to come!

After that, Diego wasn’t scared to talk about Jesus anymore. He invited a friend, Isaiah, to attend Vacation Bible School, and Isaiah agreed. When the Vacation Bible School ended, he invited Isaiah to read the Bible together. Again, the boy agreed. They read the Bible once a week at Isaiah’s house.

One day, Isaiah decided that he wanted to give his heart to Jesus and get baptized. Diego was so happy! He realized that God could use him, a little child, to be a real missionary for Him.

This quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help open eight new churches in the South American Division, which includes Diego’s country of Peru. Thank you for planning a generous offering on September 24.