Skipping School for Church
To Sabbath School teachers: This story is for Sabbath, October 30
wen and his younger sister love going to church in Taiwan.
The children love church so much that they don’t mind traveling an hour and a half to reach the church every Sabbath. They could go to a church closer to their home, but those churches don’t have a Pathfinder club, and they like Pathfinders.
Every now and then their public school holds a big sports meet on Sabbath. Owen and Mia like to run and jump, but they love God even more. So, they skip the sports meet and instead go to church.
Other times, the school holds special classes on Sabbath. But Owen and Mia go to church instead. They have not missed a Sabbath worship service in six years.
One day, Teacher announced that Owen and his classmates had to take a very important test on Sabbath.
Owen didn’t know what to do. He wanted to get good grades, but he also wanted to go to church. He told Mother about the test.
“Let’s pray about it,” she said.
Mother prayed earnestly about Owen’s Sabbath test. Owen prayed about the test.
Unexpectedly Teacher agreed to let Owen take the test early. Owen was so happy! Mother was so happy! They thanked God for answering their prayers.
Then another teacher told Mia that she had to come to school for an extra class on Sabbath. Mia didn’t know what to do. She wanted to get good grades, but she also wanted to go to church. She told Mother about the extra class.
“Let’s pray about it,” Mother said.
She prayed earnestly about Mia’s Sabbath class. Mia prayed about the class.
Teacher refused to change her mind.
“You need to take the extra class because it will help you to improve your handwriting,” Teacher said. “If you skip the class, I will give you a lot of extra homework so you can improve your handwriting.”
Mia was very upset, and she told Mother what Teacher had said. Mother felt sad for Mia.
“Mia, do you want to listen to God or to the teacher?” she said.
Mia knew the fourth commandment, where God says, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8). She prayed for God for help.
On Sabbath, Mia went to church instead of school. She wondered what Teacher would say. When she returned to school on Monday, Teacher looked at her steadily. But Teacher did not say a word. Teacher didn’t even give her any extra homework to do. Mia was so happy! Mother was so happy! Mia and Mother thanked God for His goodness. Mia is no longer afraid to tell Teacher that she cannot go to school on Sabbath.
Owen and Mia have a big prayer request: They ask you and other children around the world who hear their story to pray for their father. Even though Father reads the Bible to them every evening and drives them to church every Sabbath, he has not given his heart to Jesus. Owen and Mia hope that he will be baptized. Will you pray for Father? ⎭
While Owen and Mia love Jesus, many other indigenous people in Taiwan have not heard about Him. Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help spread the gospel to native people groups in Taiwan. Thank you for planning a generous offering.