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Adventist Mission


Martyna's Mission

Martyna [mahr-TEE-nah] is ten years old and in the fourth grade. She lives in a town in southern Poland. She likes swimming and reading her Bible, and she tells other children about Jesus.

In Poland school children must attend religion class. Every child must attend unless their parents ask that they be excused. Sometimes when a child doesn’t attend the religion class, other children tease them and say that they won’t go to heaven. Martyna knows that it’s not true, but it’s hard to be different, especially since Martyna is the only Adventist in her school. “I’ve explained to my friends at school that I attend church and I worship God. I tell them that I attend religion class in my church. Now they don’t tease me anymore.”

Martyna wants be a good example for Jesus. She tries to be happy and helpful in school, and she prays and reads her Bible at home. Whenever she can, she tells her friends about her faith.

One day Martyna met a girl in the hall after school. Martyna introduced herself and learned that the other girl’s name is Natalya [nah-TAHL-yah]. The girls talked for quite awhile. Martyna asked Natalya for permission to pray for her, and Natalya agreed. She was glad that someone would pray for her.

Two days later the girls saw each other again after school. They were happy to meet and talked about school and other things. Martyna asked Natalya where she lived and what she liked to do, and Natalya answered. Martyna told Natalya that she was praying for her every night. Natalya was surprised, but she was glad that she had a special friend who cared enough to pray for her. Martyna invited Natalya to come to church with her, and Natalya told her she would have to ask her mother first.

Martyna continued praying for Natalya at home. She was eager for her new friend to learn to love Jesus, just as Martyna did.

But before Natalya could go to church with Martyna, school ended. Martyna and her mother and grandmother went on vacation. When they returned home, Martyna called Natalya’s home, hoping they could spend some time together. That’s when Martyna learned that Natalya had moved to another city.

Martyna was disappointed that Natalya had moved away and that they couldn’t go to church together. Martyna is still praying for Natalya. Only now she’s praying that someone else will invite her friend to visit the Adventist church with them.

Martyna continues to share her love for Jesus with others. She prays for them and invites them to church. Martyna is being a missionary.

We can be missionaries at home, at school, and in our neighborhood by being cheerful and caring and telling others that God loves them. And we can give our mission offering so that others will learn that God loves them. Let’s do everything we can this week to share God’s love with someone else.