Like A Family
There are lots of ways to introduce people to Jesus. Just ask Kaylea.
There are lots of ways to introduce people to Jesus. Just ask Kaylea.
“Many people are suffering through hard times right now,” she says. “Some people have lost their jobs. Others may have so many medical bills that they can’t buy food. Helping to meet people’s needs is a good way to show others that Jesus loves them. Kaylea has learned firsthand that it’s easy to share when you really care.
A Meal and a Hug
One day a member of Kaylea’s church said she wanted to provide a meal each week for people who needed some food and friendship. Kaylea liked the idea and wanted to help.
“My parents taught me that helping others is a big part of a Christian’s life,” Kaylea says. “And helping fix a meal every week for those who need one sounded like fun. We call our meal ‘Soup’s On’ because we want the meal to feel like a family meal. We invite anyone who could use a hot meal.
Working Together
Every Thursday Kaylea and her mother meet other members of their church to prepare and serve a simple meal of soup, bread, and vegetables. “About 35 people come regularly,” Kaylea says.
“My sister and I make the bread,” she adds. “It smells so good when it’s baking.”
A lot of the people who come for the meal have health problems, so the church members teach their guests how to eat more healthfully. Kaylea likes to visit with the people who come to share a meal. “That makes it seem more like home,” she says. “I like making people happy.”
More than a Meal
But many people in the community can’t get to the church for a hot meal. “We have lots of elderly people in the community who can’t drive,” Kaylea adds. “So we take a meal to them. My family helps deliver more than 30 meals every week to people in the community who can’t come and join us at the church.”
This is Kaylea’s favorite part of the meal program. She helps prepare the food and then delivers the meals to each home. “I like to sit and visit with the people,” she says. “Many of them are lonely and just want to talk to someone. Sometimes they are sad, so we cry together,” she adds. “I pray with them and let them know that Jesus loves them. I’m really happy when I can help others, and I love visiting with everyone.”
Making Friends for Jesus
“Our church isn’t very big,” Kaylea says. “We have a small church, but we can make a big difference for Jesus in our community. I am glad I can help.”
We can all do something special to share God’s love with someone. What would you like to do? Our mission offerings are another way to tell people that Jesus loves them. Let’s give our offering faithfully.