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Adventist Mission

Wyan's Lessons in Faith

Wyan has loved God all his life and was thrilled when his grandfather discovered a Seventh-day Adventist school not far from their home in Pennsylvania.

Wyan has loved God all his life and was thrilled when his grandfather discovered a Seventh-day Adventist school not far from their home in Pennsylvania. Wyan’s mother enrolled him there.

Wyan’s New School

Wyan really liked his new school. He especially liked Bible class, where his teachers answered his questions about God in ways that he could understand. Wyan and his mother went to a seminar the school held, and there he learned that Sabbath was God’s special day. Wyan wanted to attend Sabbath School and asked his mother to take him. But she explained that Saturday was the busiest day at her shop. “I don’t think I can afford to close my shop to attend church,” she said. But Wyan prayed, and in time Mother decided they should trust God. She closed her shop and went to church with Wyan.

The Mission Trip

The church was planning a mission trip to Belize, a country in Central America. [Locate Belize on a map.] Wyan wanted to go on the mission trip, but he was too young to go alone. He asked his mother to go with him to Belize, but she explained that she didn’t have the money to go on the three-week trip. “If we go,” she said, “I would have to close my shop while we are gone. We can’t afford that.”

“God will work it out, Mom,” Wyan said. “We just have to trust Him.” Wyan prayed about the mission trip. And soon Mother learned another lesson in faith.

Some church members learned of Wyan’s wish to go on the mission trip. They raised the money needed for Wyan and his mother to go. Wyan’s mom decided to trust Jesus and close her shop for three whole weeks so she could go with him.

The mission trip was an exciting time for Wyan. Church members held evangelistic meetings for the adults and special meetings for the children. Wyan spoke at the children’s meetings, and at the end of the meetings 23 children said they wanted to follow Jesus.

God’s Surprise for Mother

But even with all the good things that were happening on the mission trip, Wyan’s mother still worried about her business. When they returned home, God had a surprise for Wyan’s mother. “In the first week that Mom was back at her shop, she earned enough to make up for the three weeks the shop was closed!” Wyan said. “And her business just keeps growing!”

Wyan’s childlike faith helped his mother trust God too. Wyan wanted to be baptized and follow Jesus all his life. His mother decided to follow Jesus and be baptized too. And to their surprise, Wyan’s grandmother decided to be baptized.

Wyan loves to tell others that Jesus loves them. His advice to others is, “If God is telling you to tell someone about Jesus, do it. Don’t be afraid; just trust God, and He’ll help you say the right words.”

We can do that. And when we give our mission offering on Sabbath, we’re telling others about Jesus without saying a word.