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Adventist Mission

Rescued From the Devil

I received a call about Kelly before the first meeting. “Prepare yourself,” they said. “She’s demon possessed. Bring someone to hold her.”

The New Caledonia Mission is one of the most challenging fields in the South Pacific Division. Its territory includes the Isle of Pines, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, and Wallis and Futuna islands. With a population of 280,000, there are 919 Adventist members, 6 Seventh-day Adventist churches, and 3 companies in the mission.

Pastor Felix Wadrobert is the president-secretary of the New Caledonia Mission. In the following story he describes a wonderful experience that took place in April, 2015 during evangelistic meetings held in New Caledonia.

Big Miracles

We had never seen so many baptisms—60 people! Every morning during the three weeks of meetings our church members came together from 5:30 to 7:00 a.m. for a 45-minute devotion, followed by 45 minutes of praying on our knees. At first, 60 members came, then 100, then 200 every morning. The church was in the process of praying and surrendering, and the Lord wrought big miracles! Not only baptisms, but real conversions. There were some people who, when they learned about the Sabbath, resigned from their jobs rather than work on God’s holy day. One person had worked in the same place for 29 years and was about to retire, but gave it up for the Sabbath.

Then there was a young woman named Kelly who came to the meetings. I received a call about Kelly before the first meeting. “Prepare yourself,” they said. “She’s demon possessed. Bring someone to hold her.”

A Dark Cloud

When Kelly arrived at the meeting, you could feel the presence of evil angels. She was sitting there, front and center, staring at me. And 250 non-Adventists were there at the meeting—it was packed!

As Kelly sat and stared, I prayed, “God, don’t let her mess this up—people are watching to see if we are the true church.”

You could feel this dark cloud over us, right in the midst of the crowd. Somehow I managed to finish the sermon, and Kelly stayed quiet. Then the other pastors and I went to talk with her.

We learned that Kelly had gone everywhere seeking for healing, but without success. That evening the other pastors and I were at Kelly’s home until 2:00 a.m.

As we entered the home, we could actually smell a demonic presence. We learned that Kelly had gone to the witch doctors and had been in contact with the spirit world. As we began praying for her, she started lashing out and slithering along the floor like a serpent. We prayed even more earnestly.

Effective Prayer Meetings

By 5:30 a.m. we were back at the church, praying for this girl and for all the people who were coming to the meetings. Those early morning prayer meetings were a time for real revival and reformation among the church members; it was a revival that brought spiritual fire and energy. Then in the evening it was a revival and reformation for non-members! After a while so many people were coming to the meetings that we had to downlink the program so people could go to the church because the meeting hall was too small.

With Kelly, every single day after praying with her we could see progress. First, she was able to say the name of Jesus, then she could pray, and then she was able to read the Bible—it was a process of deliverance. It was a way for her to make choices.

“This Is Your Home”

When she started to understand the truth, she didn’t want to go into her bedroom. We told her, “This is your home, this is your room.” All of the pastors went with Kelly into her room and prayed with her. As we prayed and mentioned the name of Jesus, she had the courage to get up and start removing the satanic things in her house. She threw away all of them.

At the beginning of the meetings Kelly was coming half-naked, but in the end she was fully clothed and in her right mind. When she gave her life to Jesus, it was the greatest day of her life.

Today, Kelly is rejoicing in the Lord. She’s clean, and she cut all of her diabolical relationships before baptism. She loves Jesus, and she loves the Seventh-day Adventist Church. What the Lord can do in one or two weeks is unbelievable! Now Kelly is winning her family to the Lord.

Your Gift

Part of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will be used to build a much-needed lamb shelter for the children here. This is a place where they can meet for Sabbath School and other meetings.

Because we are a really small mission, we are especially touched by the contribution that the world church members are making to New Caledonia through the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering! Thank you!”