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Adventist Mission

Dear Sabbath School Leader


This quarter features the people of the Euro-Asia Division (ESD), which spans the distance from the polar regions of the Arctic Circle to the predominantly Muslim regions in the south. It includes the countries of Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

The Challenges

Most of these countries were part of the former Soviet Union, which for 70 years restricted religious freedom. Today the countries of the Euro-Asia Division are home to more than 316 million people, but fewer than 120,000 Adventists. That’s one Adventist for every 2,600 people.

Our focus this quarter is on the city of Kazan, in Tatarstan, Russia; in Minsk, Belarus; and in several cities across Ukraine. See the “Opportunities” box for specifics.  

One Family

It’s wonderful to realize that we are part of a huge, worldwide family of more than 18 million members, living in 200+ countries of the world. Each quarter, we’ll meet our brothers and sisters in the featured world division. Not every story will be linked directly to a mission project, but I hope that as we become acquainted with the people, our hearts will be linked with theirs and that we will do all we can to help them fulfill the wonderful Gospel commission in their part of the world. Thank you so much for your generous support of Adventist mission!

Your sister in Christ

Gina Wahlen
Editor, Mission