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Adventist Mission

November 27–The Citadel of Erbil

Let's journey to Iraq to learn a history lesson and hear insight from Rick McEdward, president of the Middle East North Africa Union.

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Monthly Videos

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    October–Adventist Mission in Northern Asia

    From the bustling city of Tokyo to the hills of Ulaanbaatar, Adventists are present in their communities. Let's see what's happening in Northern Asia.

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    November–A Global Mission

    When you give to the Annual Sacrifice Offering, you're giving directly to frontline church planting! Thank you for giving so this work can continue.

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    December–New Growth in Northern Asia

    Adventists throughout Northern Asia are finding ways to spread a message of hope throughout this territory. Find out how you can contribute through this quarter's 13th Sabbath Offering!

Weekly Videos

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    October 2–Update on Mission Unusual: Tokyo

    The Adventist church in Japan invited the General Conference and the Northern Asia-Pacific Division to partner with them to create Mission Unusual—a massive church planting and disciple making movement. Let's see how things are going!

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    October 9–A Safe Place and a New Language

    Moving to a new country can be a difficult experience: new food, new language, new culture. It can be overwhelming and even scary. Adventists in South Korea wanted to create a space to help people integrate into the country, while feeling supported.

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    October 16–The Day Beirut Exploded

    It was a Tuesday afternoon and Fatima, a Syrian mom from Aleppo, had convinced a friend to change her plans for the day. She didn’t realize how crucial that decision would turn out to be.

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    October 23–Give So They Can Go

    The money used to support missionaries was running out. When the church was nearly forced to call its missionaries home, Adventists stepped up. They accepted the challenge of the mission offering.

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    October 30–Saved Three Times

    Li’s lifestyle put a strain on his family, and his wife left him. Not long after she left, he had a stroke. Let's find out how Li's life was turned around.

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    November 6– Finding Relief from Depression

    For Rebecca, depression was a deep, dark hole. She needed help. She turned to a program run by ADRA, that helped her experience life in a new way.

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    November 13–Pioneering the Streets of Kinshasa

    Adventist Mission team leaders reminisce about a trip from years ago. They'll never forget the impact that a single Global Mission pioneer made!

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    November 20–The Last Invitation

    Sehee moved with her family to the countryside after living in a big city in South Korea. Her mom was excited about the move. But Sehee wasn’t so sure about that.

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    November 27–The Citadel of Erbil

    Let's journey to Iraq to learn a history lesson and hear insight from Rick McEdward, president of the Middle East North Africa Union.

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    December 4–"I Will Go" by H.O.P.E.

    An original song by H.O.P.E. to highlight the I Will Go initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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    December 11–Adventist Students to the Rescue

    Union College, an Adventist institution in the United States, offers a very unique degree that has the perfect mix of adventure, education, and service. Join us on a journey to Alaska!

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    December 18–Church in a Yurt

    The hills around Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, are covered in brightly colored houses and traditional yurts, or gers. Let's see how a Global Mission pioneer couple used their traditional home to minister to their community.

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    December 25–A New Plan for a Stagnant Church

    After nearly 65 years without much growth, the members of the Puli Seventh-day Adventist Church in Taiwan knew they needed to try something different. After some brainstorming, Adventists caught the vision!

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