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Adventist Mission


Miracle of Music

To Sabbath School teachers: This story is for Sabbath, August 17.

By Andrew McChesney


oises was only 8 years old when his family moved from Venezuela to Colombia in South America.

He noticed right away that many boys acted rowdy and spoke roughly in his new school.

He thought, “If they knew and loved Jesus, they wouldn’t act and speak like that.”

He wondered how he could introduce them to Jesus.

Then he had an idea.

At recess, he invited some of the children to read the Bible with him on the playground. Three children agreed, and they gathered around him as he opened his Bible to Daniel.

After three weeks, 10 children were gathering around Moises during recess to hear him read the Bible. The teachers were amazed to see the children earnestly talking about Daniel and Revelation. One of them called Moises’ father to express her surprise. Moises’ father was not surprised. At home, Moises had been asking him how to teach Daniel and Revelation to the children, and he was proud of his son.

After two months, the Bible group grew so big that they began to meet during lunchtime on the playground. The children ate as they discussed the Bible.

Moises decided at that point that the group was so big that it needed a name. He thought and thought about it. He prayed and prayed about it. Then he settled on the name Ebenezer. The word “Ebenezer” is composed of two Hebrew words: “eben,” which means “stone,” and “ezer,” which means “help.” Moises wanted the children to remember that God was their “Stone of Help.”

Months passed, and Moises’ classmates were as rowdy as before.

Moises was so disappointed. He wondered if there might be a better way to teach his classmates about Jesus. He thought and thought about it. He prayed and prayed about it.

Then he noticed something. All the children seemed to like music. He could understand why. He also liked music. In fact, he could play the keyboard, guitar, violin, flute, and the ukulele. But many of his classmates couldn’t play any musical instruments.

Moises decided to open a music club. He would teach his classmates how to play music that praised God.

Six children eagerly joined the music club when it opened. Moises provided musical instruments so children could practice at school. He even allowed his classmates to take his violin and flute to practice at home.

The club grew and grew as Moises taught the children how to play beautiful hymns of praise.

The club became known for playing wonderful music. Before long, the young musicians were playing at worship services and other school events. At the end of the year, they played at the graduation ceremony.

Year after year passed. Moises led the music club until he finished the ninth grade. The school didn’t have 10th grade, so he had to move to another school to finish high school.

But the music club continued to meet. After Moises left, the school decided to make music an official subject, and it asked Moises to be the first teacher of its weekly music class.

So, Moises may be only 14 years old today, but he is already the music teacher of 25 students.

Every Thursday, he leaves high school early to teach the music class at his old school.

He doesn’t receive any money for his work. He teaches music out of the kindness of his heart. He teaches music because he wants children to know Jesus.

His work is showing results. One boy who used to act rowdy and speak roughly has given his heart to Jesus and been baptized. He is a new boy.

Moises hopes many other children also will get to know Jesus.

“I started the music group to bring children to Jesus,” he said.

Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help children learn about Jesus in Colombia. Thank you for planning a generous offering on September 28.