Adventist Mission
Kamala visits people in their homes to get to know them better. Through relationships and word of mouth, this group has grown from a small few to a crowded room.
Read MoreWe need to get off this mountain now! But which way should we turn? I wondered, attempting to stifle a surge of panic. I tried to get our bearings in the fading light, but the thick foliage and towering ridges blocked my view.
Read MoreA voice within him cried, “You can do this!” From those trips to the river, Leo resolved that he would bring light and power to whole cities of people.
Read MoreBefore school, through lunchtime, and after school, Mrs. Shin sold hotteoks to the hungry students. But she did much more than that—she befriended them.
Read MoreWe take a sofa to one of London’s busiest public areas to invite people to sit down and take a break from their hectic lives. It creates an opportunity for us to share with them God’s weekly Sabbath break.
Read More“That was no coincidence to me,” Markus said. “It was as if God was saying, ‘This is the opportunity you wished for, so stop running.’”
Read MoreTen years ago, the presence of these missionaries would have been unthinkable.
Read MoreIf you were to watch a line of Cairo residents walking past the Great Pyramid at the rate of one person every five seconds, it would take six days before you saw one Seventh-day Adventist.
Read MoreJoyce is only one of thousands of poverty-stricken people in Kingston who somehow manage to survive in spite of their meager access to the basic necessities of life.
Read MoreThe man in the bed, whose skin should have been a deep, rich brown, was a sickly yellowish-gray. He was emaciated, and his head seemed too large for his body.
Read MoreAfter classes, Duh and Yu go to the after-school center in the Adventist church across the street from the school. There volunteer teachers help children with their homework and provide a hot meal.
Read MoreBefore school, through lunchtime, and after school, Mrs. Shin sold hotteoks to the hungry students. But she did much more than that—she befriended them.
Read MoreIf you’ve ever tried to learn a new language, you may identify with feeling nervous about mispronouncing words or not being able to understand what people are saying. Perhaps that’s how Jackson felt.
Read MoreThe Seventh-day Adventist Church has a rich legacy of missionaries who have ventured into dangerous territories and situations for the sake of the gospel.
Read MoreIt’s Sabbath morning at the Compass Communities church plant in Port Charlotte, Florida. You’re just in time for worship, but just so you know, they do church a little differently here.
Read More“Adventists could come as health messengers,” Yonten says, “and through their example they could share the gospel message without making people feel threatened.”
Read More“Some of the villagers have overcome their harmful habits and have accepted Jesus as their Savior. God is really blessing our Global Mission work in Sri Lanka.”
Read More“Who are these people who dare not to belong to the only acceptable church in our country?” he stormed. Determined to stop the Sabbath keepers, he hired mercenaries to kill them when they met again to worship.
Read MoreI called in sick to work because my eyes couldn’t open from a night of crying, and my brain hurt from the never-ending change, and my heart was weary from loneliness
Read More“I could tell stories till the day is gone about the challenges, but they create opportunities for God to work in amazing ways."
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